Saturday, April 12, 2008

WRT aquarium

It is now near the end of the winter term. The fish have grown, and we had to take more aggresive measures to maintain the water quality. We also had to switch to sinking fish feed as the fish were just not interested in the floating food.

Next year we are thinking of a mixture of fish (brook, rainbow, charr, etc.) to add some more interest to the tank.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Deployment Day 2008

This year Deployment Day was held on April 2, 2008 in Bedford, NS. It was a clear sunny and day with fairly high offshore wind.

Using a Sechii disk. Turbidity readings hovered around the 13-14 foot mark.

Lab Line water collection bottle for collecting discrete water samples directly into a Nalgene collection bottle.

Eckman dredge is used to obtain a discrete benthic sample.

The Alpha or Van Dorn water collection sampler is used to collect a discrete water sample at a known depth. Unlike the Niskin sampler, it cannot be ganged together on a single line.